Hey Steve!!! Your past is calling you.....again.....LOL.....its seem like ITS ONLY BEEN 5 MINUTES...right?? Now living in Kansas City Missouri. Better look me up!
"Course I'm respectable. I'm old. Politicians, ugly buildings, and whores all get respectable if they last long enough." Chinatown, 1974.
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National speed limit of 55mph is enacted Richard Nixon resigns as President of the United States and Gerald Ford is sworn in as President. The "streaking" fad hits U.S. campuses
Heir Patty Hearst is Kidnapped By Symbionese Liberation Army Hank Aaron hits 715 home runs to break Babe Ruth's record Gillette introduces the disposable razor The first U.S. self-adhesive postage stamp is introduced
Ed Sullivan, Jack Benny, Momma Cass and Chet Huntley die Happy Days, Good Times and That's My Mama debut on U.S. TV Godfather II, The Great Gatsby and Sugarland Express debut in theaters
The first pocket calculators become widespread The first word processing machines are used First black model on cover of a major fashion magazine Heimlich maneuver developed
Girls allowed to play in Little League baseball The "String" Bikini is in fashion Because of gasoline shortage, daylight savings time is observed all year to save fuel
1974 costs
Cost of a new home: $38,900.00 Cost of a new car: $4400.00 Median Household Income: $11,197.00 Cost of a first-class stamp: $0.08 ($0.10 as of 3/2/74) Cost of a gallon of regular gas: $0.53 Cost of a dozen eggs: $0.78 Cost of a gallon of Milk: $1.57
Top TV Shows of 1974
All in the Family Chico & The Man Good Times Hawaii Five O The Jefferson's Mash Maude Rhoda The Waltons Sanford & Son
1974 Trivia
Best Picture Oscar Winner: The Godfather Part II Grammy For Best New Artist: Marvin Hamlisch Grammy Record of the Year: I Honestly Love You - Olivia Newton John World Series Champions: Oakland Athletics Superbowl VIII Champions: Miami Dolphins NBA Champions: Boston Celtics
1st appearances & 1974's Most Popular Christmas gifts, toys and presents: Connect Four, G.I. Joe with KUNG FU GRIP, Magna Doodle
"The Quote" "You won't have Dick Nixon to kick around anymore" - resigning President Richard Nixon.
Nerd News: The post-it note is invented by Arthur Fry. Liposuction invented by Giorgio Fischer in Rome, Italy. After several decades of deciding how to do it, in June, the first U.P.C. scanner was installed at a Marsh's supermarket in Troy, Ohio. The first product to have a bar code included was a packet of Wrigley's Gum.
1. Sweet Home Alabama - Lynyrd Skynrd 2. Takin Care Of Business - Bachman Turner Overdrive (BTO) 3. The Loco-motion - Grand Funk 4. Best Thing That Ever Happened To Me - Gladys Knight and the Pips 5. Piano Man - Billy Joel 6. Can't Get Enough Of Your Love Babe - Barry White 7. Hooked On A Feeling - Blue Sude (late 1990's "the dancing baby song") 8. The Way We Were - Barbara Streisand 9. Kung Fu Fighting - Carl Douglas 10. Jungle Boogie - Kool and the Gang
Hey Steve!!! Your past is calling you.....again.....LOL.....its seem like ITS ONLY BEEN 5 MINUTES...right?? Now living in Kansas City Missouri. Better look me up!